On the Subscriptions page, you can find out about the usage of your apps.
Reporting Options
Platform: Select between app stores and ad networks to visualize your revenue overview. The selection you make here will effect which options you have to choose from in the apps dropdown.
Apps: Choose which app for which you would like to see revenue. If you have multiple apps, you can show revenue for All Apps, All Active Apps, or All Inactive Apps.
Subscriptions: Narrow to a specific subscription type
Countries: Narrow to a specific country or region.ย
Period: Set the date range for which the chart is showing revenue.
Report Types
Revenue: View overall revenue from subscriptions by subscription type
Active: View total active subscriptions by user count or by revenue
New: View new subscriptions added each day by type
Renewed: View subscription renewals by user count or revenue
Returned: Percentage of payments refunded
Cancelled: View subscription cancellation by user count, revenue lost, or percentage of subscribers
New: Trial subscriptions added by day
Active: Count of trial subscriptions active
Cancelled: Count of trial subscriptions cancelled
Conversion: Percentage of trials that convert to subscription, by type of subscription
Cancelled: How many users cancelled their subscriptions, by type.
The remaining tabs on this report are a breakdown of cancellation reasons.
Chart options
Chart Type: Visualize as a line or bar chart
Download/Export: Export a CSV using the data from the current chart
Sort: You can sort the table by clicking any of the headings
Download/Export: Export a CSV using the data from the table